Friday 13 July 2012

Gold selling live on the US Auction House

Finally Blizzard has switched on gold selling on the RMAH. After 2 months of third party pages dominating the gold marked, it is time for the real players to get a share of the pie.

Prices for 1 million gold har varied wildly for the last couple of weeks, going from 10€ per 1 million to 1-3€ pr 1 million. It will be interesting to see how much gold sells for when it goes live on the D3 Real Money Auction House in Europe and how much it will sell for in a week or two.

In any case, time for some good old fashioned gold farming!


Gold can now also be sold on the European RMAH. I have of course thrown some lots up there. 
As predicted the auction house seems pretty flooded with gold at the moment, but hopefully I get something sold. We will see.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Act 1 Inferno gear farming guide

Inferno Act 1 farming is great, both to upgrade your gear for Act 2, but also in order to get some high end items to sell for gold or if you are lucky real money. The monsters are relatively easy so you wont die as much as you might if you try to farm Act 2 and with the changes in patch 1.03 you now have a chance to get some item level 63 gear. 

To help you maximize the time vs gain from farming Act 1 Inferno I will share the best places to grind gear and gold.

It is important when sitting down for a farming run, that you understand the basics of getting optimal loot drops. In D2, boss runs were the bees knees, but in Diablo 3 it is all about the champion/rare packs. As such the main focus for grinding gear should be to get as many champion monsters killed in as short a time as possible.

Nephalem Valor Buff farming D3 The other thing to keep in mind is the Nephalim Buff.
Not only does it up your magic find percentage, it also ensures yellow drops when it is stacked to 5. This means that before you can do any real meaningful farming you should look at getting the Nephalim Buff to 5.

If you have all the time in the world you can of course just clear Act 1 from one end to another, however if you like me often don't have more than 1 hour to spare, that is not very efficient.

Fear not though. The farming run I am about to share can be cleared in between 45-60 minutes and will yield you at least 6 guarenteed yellows in the worst case scenario and usually much more.

To start off the run we want to build Cemetary of the Forsaken farming D3 Nephalim Buff stacks ASAP. To do this go to your Cemetary of the Forsaken waypoint. This is a great place to build stacks for several reasons. First of all there is usually an elite skeleton spawning in the graveyard itself. Skeletons are generally easy to kill so 5 out of 6 times you will get your first Nephalim stack very easily.

After you killed the elite, you have the 3 crypts to explore. Each of these has at least 1 champion or elite pack and very often you will find 2 in one or more of the crypts. It is a fast clear, generally I can finish all three within 20-25 minutes.

Once you are done in the Cemetary of the Forsaken you should have 5 stacks of the Nephalim buff. If you were really unlucky, you may just be at 4, but fear not you will get the last stack quickly.

Festering Woods farmingGo back to town, empty your bags and take the waypoint to Festering Woods.This is one of the quickest places to grind in Diablo 3. Circle the waypoint a bit and you will find the entrace to a very small dungeon. In here you will find a couple of packs of monsters, one of them will be a champion or elite pack. Kill it go back up and circle the other way around the waypoint to find the other small dungeon in the area. Rinse and repeat.

After this explore the rest of the Festering Woods. You will usually find 1-4 more packs of champion and elite monsters to kill and loot.

If you have more time after this, then take the waypoint to Leorics Manor. Go back through the building where you will often find 1 champion/elite pack. Leave the manor and in the courtyard there will be another pack to kill for (hopefully) some awesome drops.

In my last 40 min playthroug of this farm route I got around 50k gold and a couple of items to sell on the Auction House. 1 of which sold for a couple of euros in the RMAH. You can get items of level 51-63 from killing the monsters you encounter from following this guide, so if your luck is good, you could walk away with some very powerful upgrades and items.

Please feel free to share any route you use to farm Inferno Act 1.  

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Commodities on the real money auction house

When will it be possible to sell commodities and gold on the Realm Money Auction House in Diablo 3? I don't know about you guys, but this is something I have been asking myself for well over a month. Now the wait is over or so I thought. A blue post was made some hours ago stating that it will soon be possible to sell and buy Gems, Pages, Plans, Designs, Crafting Materials and Dyes on the Realm Money Auction House. 

What about gold though? When will we finally be able to sell and buy gold on the D3 RMAH? Well the blue post grants us a vague answer saying, it will hopefully be enabled in the near future. Unfortunately this probably means it is at least a month away which in turn means that the gold will have devalued even further. At this point it might be time to stop stocking up gold and start spending it on gear that will and can be sold on the Real Money Auction House. Hopefully Blizzard will work fast though so we can start trading gold through ingame means soon.

As for buying and selling commodities on the Real Money Auction House, I have a hard time seeing anything  but the rarest of plans/designs and possibly the highest tier gems getting sold for anything but ingame gold.

Friday 15 June 2012

Items that sell on the Real Money Auction House

The Real Money Auction House was finally released in Europe this morning and people are already reporting sales rolling in. Check this thread for instance where some players has already earned almost 300€.

Question is, what does sell on the real money auction house?

Since Blizzard has still not enabled commodity trading, gold can not be sold. The items that does seem to sell are legendary, greens and really nicely rolled yellows.

Someone put this item up for 250€. Is it a nice item? Yes. Will it sell for max buyout.. who knows, but I would think it is unlikely.

Yellow item sale attempt on the D3 RMAH

There is also stuff like these yellow boots, put up with a min bid of 2.22€ and no BO. I am quite sure they will not sell either.

But great items do sell. There are some really high DPS weapons up on the Real Money Auction House that will probably reach quite a high buyout price.

The guy who put this extremely high dps 1 handed weapon up for auction might actually get his 250€ asking price. So in essence. If you wish to make money on the RMAH, make sure you price your stuff realistically and make sure it is worth something in the first place. Good luck. I am off to farm some more!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

D3 Real Money Auction House postponed again in Europe

I got up early this morning as I wanted to be able to get a headstart on stocking the real money auction house, time is money as they say.

To no real surprise of mine though, it wasn't available. Blizzard has postponed it yet again, this time until the 15th of June. That means, that the RMAH is now a month delayed from the release of Diablo 3.


The Real Money Auction House is live in the US now though, which means the worst bugs and issues might be caught before the EU starts using it. Also it gives me the opportunity to try and figure out what will sell on the RMAH besides gold.

It is currently a bit unclear whether gold can be traded for real money immediately, since commodities are not yet live in the Realm Money Auction House.

I sure hope it is not only items that can be sold.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Great places to farm gold in Diablo 3

The Real Money Auction House has been postponed until the 13th of June now and that of course is a bit annoying. It does leave more time to farm for gold though.

I have tested a lot and here are the best places to farm for gold in Diablo 3.

Fields of Slaugther

Farming gold D3

Fields of Slaugther is in my opinion by far the best place to farm. With Diablo 3 moving away from boss runs for loot, farming has become a question of how to kill the most monsters in the least amount of time. Any monster can potentially drop a legendary and while champion mobs and special monsters are good, normal monsters should not be discarded as they are fast and easy to kill.

Fields of Slaugther is great because it has both a high density of normal monsters to kill and a good chance of multiple  rare and champion packs to spawn.

It is also the best farming place in D3 because there is a very good chance of finding the Cavern of Frost which has champion and named monsters and a Resplendent Chest in the bottom. I also often find a Treasure Gnome in the Cavern of Frost giving me even more drops and gold.

The Fields of Slaughter are even a fantastic farming place in Inferno. You know those Demonic Mines that has a tendency to kill you when you are mindlessly grinding away? Yeah well, they can be used for killing off mobs too. Just kite the monster across the mines and watch them take almost a million points of damage when the Demonic Mine explode.
Finally it is awesome for solo farming, because not only do you get your follower, Tyrael will join you in the battle as well.

To get to the Fields of Slaugther, simply pick Act 3 and the quest the Siegebreaker. Great place to farm gold Field of Slaughter Diablo 3Now you should have the waypoint The Bridge of Korsikk. Be ready to fight immediately when porting in as there are often a rare or champion pack around the waypoint.

Now just clear the area, find the the cave and then reset and go again.


Farming gold in Whimsyshire

Whimsyshire is a great place to farm for items, although not as much for gold. The drop rate of blues and Yellows in Whimsyshire is incredibly high, even with little Magic Find. The drawback of course is the cost to get access to Rainbowland. 150k for the normal staff of herding, 200k gold on top of that for access on Nightmare. Hell will cost you 500k gold and the Inferno Whimsyshire staff is a staggering 1 million gold, meaning you will have spent 1 million 850k gold for your farm place. Of course if you are lucky and get a legendary drop amongst all the blues and yellows, that will easily cover your entrance fee. Time to gamble on the drop rate perhaps?

Garden of Hope level 2 and the Silver Spire

farming Gardens of Hope and Silver Spire for items and gold

These levels of Heaven are okay in terms of gold drops, but not as good as the Fields of Slaugther. They are however better if you want to get some high level drops.
Gardens of Hope and the Silver Spire is good because there are a lot of monsters spawning. The drawback is that the monsters here are quite hard and as such you chance getting killed over slightly better loot. In terms of time vs payout for farming I don't feel the increase in gold and items over act 3 is worth it.
Personally I would recommend Fields of Slaugther for Gold and the Whimsyshire for items, but if you do not have access to the latter or you want to farm for both at the same time, then the Silver Spire and Garden of Hope are going to fit the bill.

Resplendent Chest farming

The most important thing in terms of picking a farming spot in Diablo is to look for high density "easy" to kill monsters with high drop rates. The less you have to move and the more rares/champions  or chests you have access to in the area the better.

Happy Farming!

Sunday 20 May 2012

Diablo 3 Aucion House price development

Over the last couple of days I have been keeping a close eye on the D3 gold Auction House. As expected prices has dropped drastically on most commodities. Here is a chart over a couple of the most  basic items.

 D3 Price chart

The blue line represents Blacksmith Pages, the Red one Jewelcrafting. The yellow is Subtle Essence and the green one is Fallen Tooth.

It might be a bit hard to see, but it seems like Subtle Essences has stabilized around 14g pr item and Fallen Teeth at around 25g. This being said thoug, as mentioned in a previous post, it is not really worth it to salvage items for this as you can get more from selling the item directly to a vendor.

So what sells you ask?

Well at this point mostly yellow items and above. I have had really good luck with selling resist item as people are starting to realize that they will need those for hell and beyond. Anything that fits the perfect mold for a class item sells as well. That means things with Int, Vit and attack speed for Wizards for instance.

I must admit that I am a bit disappointed with the pages, gems and dyes. I was expecting them to be the money makers, but it seems they are just too common to be worth anything now that the initial surge of buyers has disappeared. I managed to make quite a profit on them while it lasted, so I wont complain too much, but still!

Unfortunately I am going on vacation for a week now, so I wont be able to keep tracking the price development, but I will be back with a vengeance on the 29th of May. Until then happy money farming!